Study Summaries
Urban Forestry Jobs Analysis
Collection and analysis of urban forester job postings throughout the USA over 18 months and follow-up telephone interviews. Includes analysis of qualifications, duties, distribution, salaries, and career level.
Infographic: Job Opportunities for Urban Foresters in the United States
Publication: K O’Herrin, et al. (2018) Identifying a Career Ladder in Urban Forestry by Analyzing Job Postings and Interviews. Journal of Forestry, Volume 116, Issue 2, pgs. 151–163,
U.S. University Student Perceptions
Survey of more than 1,000 undergraduates at 18 universities and their career preferences. Awareness and perceptions of urban forestry as a professional career.
Infographic: What do Students think about a Career in Urban Forestry?
Employer Expectations for New Hires
Survey of employers of entry level urban foresters. Includes desirable skills and educational backgrounds, as well as whether new employees meet expectations.
Infographic: What are US Employers Looking for in an Entry Level Urban Forester?
Urban Forester Career Paths and Networking
Comprehensive survey of practicing urban foresters in local governments in U.S. The survey explored urban forester professional identity through analysis of educational backgrounds, networks, and career paths.
Infographic: Who Manages Urban Trees and Greenspaces for Local Governments