Journal Publications
Day, S.D., P. Ries, C.G. Bassett, P.E. Wiseman, and K. O’Herrin. (2022) Support for a new credential in urban forestry: results from a survey of urban forest professionals. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 73:127588.
O’Herrin, K., Bassett, C. G., Day, S. D., Ries, P. D., & Wiseman, P. E. (2023) Borrowed Credentials and Surrogate Professional Societies: A Critical Analysis of the Urban Forestry Profession. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 49(3).
O’Herrin, K., PE Wiseman, SD Day, and RJ Hauer (2020). Professional identity of urban foresters in the United States. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. Volume 54, Article 126741.
Dahle, GA, A Benjamin, and D McGill (2020) Assessment of skills needed in entry-level urban foresters in the USA. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. Volume 52, Article 126694.
O’Herrin, K, SD Day, PE Wiseman, CR Friedel, and JF Munsell (2018) University Student Perceptions of Urban Forestry as a Career Path. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. Volume 34: Pages 294 – 304
O’Herrin, K, PE Wiseman, SD Day, WH Hwang (2018) Identifying a Career Ladder in Urban Forestry by Analyzing Job Postings and Interviews. Journal of Forestry, Volume 116, Issue 2, 12 March 2018, Pages 151–163,
Magazine Articles
The Forestry Source, June 2018. Greening the city: are we bringing foresters to the table? By P. Eric Wiseman and Susan D. Day.
Tree Care Industry Magazine, May 2018. Urban Forestry: Define It and They Will Come By Susan D. Day.
City Trees, March 2017. The Future the of Urban Forestry Profession: Next Steps for Urban Forestry 2020. By Susan D. Day.
City Trees, May 2016. Urban Forestry 2020: Formulating a Strategy for our Emerging Profession. By Susan D. Day and Gregory A. Dahle
Arborist News, December 2015. Urban Forestry 2020: A closer look at an emerging profession By Susan D. Day and Gregory A. Dahle
Conference Presentation
Wiseman, P., K. O’Herrin, A. Benjamin, G. Dahle, S. Day, J. Sullivan, and J. Koci. (2018). Urban Forestry 2020: Insights into professionalism, higher education, and career advancement (invited oral presentation). Twelfth Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources. Nacogdoches, TX. March 10, 2018.