Data Visualizationsdickinso2018-01-25T19:51:02+00:00
Data Visualizations
From the Urban Forester Career Paths and Networking Study
The self-ascribed professional identity of individuals who manage urban trees and greenspaces for local governments in the United States.
Professional Identity of Municipal Tree Managers in the U.S.
Annual salaries of professionals who manage urban trees and greenspaces for local governments in the United States.
Salaries of Municipal Tree Managers in the U.S.
Percent of professionals who manage urban trees and greenspaces for local governments in the United States who strongly agreed with these statements about their careers.
Job Satisfaction among Municipal Tree Managers in the U.S.
From the Urban Forestry Jobs Analysis Study
Relative number of entry level (<1 year formal education), mid-level and administrative jobs found in an analysis of urban forestry job postings in the United States.
Urban Forestry Career Ladder
Geographic distribution of 151 job postings for urban foresters in the U.S.
Where are the Urban Forestry Jobs in the U.S.?
The distribution of employers from an 18-month snap-shot of 151 job postings for urban foresters in the U.S. Jobs listings included positions that managed populations of urban trees but excluded utility forestry positions.
Employers of Urban Foresters in the U.S.
Percentage of 151 job postings for urban foresters in the U.S. that mentioned specific educational degree requirements or preferences.
Top Degrees Mentioned in Urban Forestry Job Postings
From the U.S. University Student Perceptions Study
US college students enrolled in environmentally-related courses indicate what attracts them to a career.
What Do College Students Seek in a Career?
Level of awareness of urban forestry as a career option among US college students enrolled in environmentally-related courses.
U.S. College Student Awareness of Urban Forestry
Demographics of awareness of urban forestry as a career choice in US college students enrolled in environmentally-related courses.
Which College Students are More Aware of Urban Forestry
From the Employer Expectations for New Hires Study
Level of awareness of urban forestry as a career option among US college students enrolled in environmentally-related courses.
U.S. College Student Awareness of Urban Forestry
Most sought after skills reported by employers seeking to fill entry level urban forestry positions.
Skills of Entry-Level Urban Foresters Most Valued by U.S. Employers
Most sought after credentials reported by employers seeking to fill entry level urban forestry positions.
Credentials of Entry-Level Urban Foresters Most Valued by U.S. Employers
What employers say are the most valuable educational degrees for entry-level urban forestry positions.
Majors of Entry-Level Urban Foresters Most Valued by U.S. Employers