What is UF 2020?
Urban Forestry 2020 is a study funded by the US Forest Service through the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council to assess how perceptions of the urban forestry profession affect recruitment into careers and university degree programs. Project research addressed these questions as well as broader questions about the status of the urban forestry profession through a suite of surveys and networking and discussion events. Research products will continue to guide strategic planning for professional growth in urban forestry and help inform colleges and universities in steering academic programs to effectively support future development.
The public, employers, students, and those in allied professions have differing impressions of what urban forestry is, what an urban forester knows, and what the role of urban foresters will be in urban communities of the future. These perceptions influence who enters into an urban forestry career, when we make use of urban forestry expertise, and how we interpret various types of education, certifications, and credentials. These issues are complex, but have significant influence on the future of urban forestry. There is no easy solution to the many challenges facing the profession, but Urban Forestry 2020 can provide a solid research foundation for strategic action. Urban Forestry 2020 aims to support a consensus-building framework where urban foresters, their national and regional organizations, and other stakeholders can work to strengthen and guide the urban forestry profession for the benefit of society.
Project Guidance
Urban Forestry 2020 is a collaborative project between Virginia Tech, University of Maryland, West Virginia University, Virginia State, and the University of Maryland-Eastern Shore. The project is supported by a Steering Committee representing urban forestry stakeholder organizations and professions. Project research was completed in January 2018, but research products continue to emerge.
Meet Our Team
Susan Day, Project Leader
Associate Professor
Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation
and the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Virginia Tech
Andrew Benjamin
M.S. student for this project
Forest Resources Management
West Virginia University
Currently an Urban Forester with The District Department of Transportation, Urban Forestry Division
Greg Dahle
Associate Professor
Forest Resources Management
West Virginia University
Joel Koci
Associate Extension Specialist in Urban Forestry
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Virginia State University
Keith O’Herrin
Ph.D. student for this project
Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation
Virginia Tech
Currently the Urban Forester for Union County, NC.
Joe Sullivan
Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Programs
Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
University of Maryland
Eric Wiseman
Associate Professor
Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation
Virginia Tech